Trinity Motorcycle Club

Trinity Methodist Church, Lisburn


Its not just about speed...

Welcome !

Welcome and thanks for your digital visit!

A brief word from the Chairperson

My name is Murray Clynes and it is my privilege to be the present club chairperson.

By browsing around the site using the pull-down menus, you will get a fair idea of what the club is about. (Kenny, one of our members, created this website (a long time ago!)). This year 2025, the club starts its thirty first year -- with the membership as enthusiastic as ever! If you are a biker (all ages male or female) within reach of us, and are interested in checking-out or joining the club, please feel free to come along (without obligation) to one of our meetings or runs where you will be made very welcome.(PS you can check the calendar of events for dates & time etc.).If you are need further information contact me either by phone or email and I'll be happy to help.

Enjoy the Website and Safe Biking!

God Bless,

A message from our Chaplain

I once read a short story about an American minister called Wes Seliger who loved to ride motorbikes. He tells of an experience which I can identify with.

One day he was looking at a bike when the salesman came over and began to talk about it. He chatted about speed, acceleration, excitement, the note of the engine, and just the thrill of riding. Then he discovered that Wes was a minister, and immediately the tone of the conversation changed. He spoke quietly and talked about good mileage and visibility and how practical a vehicle this would be.

I had a similar experience when I dropped in to a bike showroom one day. Though I wasn't really serious about buying anyway, the sales pitch moved from how I would be able to get a licence to ride a 1200, to how suitable a 125 would be, once I revealed that I was a minister.

Wes Seliger made this observation on his experience with the motorbike salesman: "Lawnmower salespersons are not surprised to find clergypersons looking at their machines; motorbike salespersons are. Why? Does this tell us something about how the church is viewed? Lawnmowers are slow, safe, sane, practical, and middle-class. Motorcycles are fast, dangerous, wild, thrilling."

Then Wes asks a question: "Is being a Christian more like mowing a lawn or like riding a motorbike? Is the Christian life safe and sound or dangerous and exciting?"

I'm thankful that the Trinity Motorcycle Club is associated with our church for many reasons. But one of those is the reminder that the life Jesus calls each of us to, far from being safe, settled and plodding, is rather a life that gives freedom, excitement and fulfilment that we can never experience in any other way.

As Jesus talks about all the people of our planet He says: "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of." John 10:10 'The Message'

As the Trinity bikers travel together throughout Ireland and beyond, they embody in a physical sense, something of what God desires for each of us in a spiritual sense. A life free of the weight of sin, guilt and shame; free to move forward with the wind in our face and live life as children of the King of kings.

On their church 'runs' TMC bring encouragement to many congregations as they visit; by the very existence of the club they also bring encouragement to the congregation in Trinity and as a church fellowship we seek God's blessing on all that they do together. May the members of TMC, and all whom they come into contact with, know the living, exciting, everlasting reality of Jesus at work in their lives!

Blessing to all,