Its not just about speed...
February 2025 Update
January 2024 Update
January 2023 Update
February 2022 Update
November 2021 Update
At our last couple of meetings some items have been mentioned and just to make all members (and potential members) aware of these and to get some consensus / feedback they are listed as follows:
Included here is a copy of a Provisional COE for next year. Note - this will undoubtedly change and is at this stage for discussion only.
In this COE the Trip dates are totally flexible, the trip(s) are shown in May as Eire and/or Spain. The dates shown would only be applicable to the Eire Trip and are flexible. Regarding the Spain Trip, one of our members has offered (on more than one occasion over the past three seasons) his Holiday home as our accommodation.
The COE shows Sunday Runs as alternatives to Church Visits (cause of COVID)
Also included is a copy of a Proposed a 2022 AGM Agenda (if meeting was to happen).
On all of the above your comments will be welcome -- you know how to contact me.
Here is wishing you and your families a Happy & Healthy Christmas Time and a Prosperous New Year with plenty of biking.
| 28.11.2021 |
280 Miles of Smiles...
In lieu of a Church run this morning (cos we couldn't), a few hardy souls braved the lousy forecast and headed west in search of clear skies and dry roads. And we were looking for quite a while too.
Down the motorway as far as Tamnamore, then to Cookstown, Omagh, Kesh and Belleek, it probably rained on us more than it didn't, so a petrol, coffee and toilet stop at Belleek couldn't have been more welcome. To be fair though, it did clear up then pretty quickly and you could feel those extra 2 degrees rise in temperature just permeate your sodden gear and lift your spirits a little!
From Ballyshannon, we headed north to Donegal, then west again through Killybegs to Carrick where we turned left towards Teelin and the sea cliffs of Slieve League, with another few showers along the way.
Parking at the main car park, we walked (yes, you heard right) for about 3/4 mile uphill to get to the viewing point for the cliffs - busier than we expected but the view was spectacular.
Still socially distanced, as you can see!
Of course, we'd the walk back to do and got back to the bikes just in time before the next onslaught of horizontal rain arrived - this downpour was heavy too, and lasted until we were past Donegal. Coming home through Pettigoe, some of the R232 has now been resurfaced but is still incredibly bumpy. Back through Omagh, the rain came on again heavily and stuck with us down to Ballygawley roundabout and home along the M1 as far as Moira.
Bikes still needed washed when we got home, mind you. Still, a good day out and a 280 mile round trip in spite of the rain.
| 23.08.2020 |
Church Runs in 2020 ...
Our next Church Run (indeed our first this year) is scheduled in CoE for Sunday 19th July, so I am suggesting that we have this Run without the Church part (as churches are closed).
Would members who can make this; meet as scheduled on 19th at Trinity for 8:30 am.
Another proviso is the weather!! ... if the forecast turns out to be as good as last Club meeting then I suggest we abort this proposed run.
Hope all are well, see you DV on the 19th
Thought for the day ...
Is 'The Year of the Puncture' a thing on the Chinese calendar at all? If it isn't then I'm gonna propose that it probably should be. After going from what seems to have been a rare occurrence, I've encountered 4 this year so far, albeit not all to my own tyres! First up was Derek on the road to Ayr, when we had to blow up his front tyre to get him off the boat.
Next it was me, with a steeple in the rear tyre, 10 miles outside Stornaway. In the rain of course. Bobby was next smitten (somewhere just outside Ballyconnell). And not to be out done, Murray then joined the club in Castlederg with a hard-to-get-at hole too! There's probably an equation too which relates a puncture to your distance from home...
Well, with a bit of effort and a few chuckles along the way, we all got back on the road again. If there's a moral in there, then it has to be 'get yourself a repair kit before you need it!'.
| 19.08.2019 |
Scotland Trip, May 24-26th, 2019
Scotland never fails to deliver, huh? If not the weather, then the roads, and if not the roads, then there's always something like a slow leak in your front tyre to keep your mind busy?! Not to mention the Apple Pie & custard in Morag's cafe in Wick, the drums & pipers at the hotel wedding in Inverness - and did I mention the roads?
Our run up on Friday was way better than the forecast predicted, in fact it was positively warm and sunny. Huge thanks go out here to the Ayr Motorcycle Centre who helped out with a tyre repair with little notice, even less fuss and great effect - thank you guys!
Saturday's forecast showed occlusional showers coming in from the west, so destination North it was. We headed the 162 miles to John O'Groats and by and large stayed mostly dry for the best part of the day. Sunday then was cold and wet for the ride home - leastways until we got near to Glasgow, and as you can see below it was gorgeous (if not cold) by the time we reached Girvan. Still time for an ice cream though.
All in all then a great 800+ mile round trip. Thanks all for the craic :)
| 30.05.2019 |
St Patrick's Day Run, 18 March 2019
So, with a very unpredictable forecast, six hardy bikers set off in a light drizzle for destinations largely unknown - we were going west somewhere, but we were always going to get wet at some point.
Our route is below - through Moira, Gilford, Tandragee, Armagh, Caledon, Aughnacloy, Augher, Clogher (and whats the other one...?), into Enniskillen and out along Lough Erne to Belleek, to great lunch at the Pottery. Heading home took us through Boa Island to Omagh, Cookstown, Ballyronan, Toome and Antrim. I made it 216 miles total today.
Thanks to Derek for leading, and to Aidy, George, Richard and Glenn for a bit of craic along the way. And would you believe, not one single photograph today?
| 18.03.2019 |
2019 CoE and first Notes
The 2019 Calendar of Events was discussed at our New Year's breakfast and has been issued for your review
Following are a few dates worth mentioning as they can be changed if required:-
1) St Patrick's Run is shown on the Monday and not Sunday 17th
2) Cruzin in March has been brought forward one week to avoid Mothering Sunday (31st).
3) The Scotland Trip is one week earlier than last year to avoid a Bank Holiday w/end.
4) NEC Show date is shown as Tuesday 19th November.
This early issue of our Events Calendar negates the requirement for this year's Annual Meeting ... so no Annual Meeting this February!!
To establish numbers; would members proposing to go on the Scotland Trip please let me know and also if Inverness is agreeable as the destination.
| 07.01.2019 |
A little run to Donegal, and most of the rest of Ulster..
Leaving Lisburn around 7.30am this morning, we headed west through Cookstown, Omagh, Kesh and Pettigo towards Ballintra for one of our Sunday church visits. (Roads were great except for that last bit from Pettigo!)
For lunch, we grabbed a bite to eat at the Belleek Pottery Tea Rooms, (dead posh right?) before setting off on a tour on the way home. From Belleek we travelled through Garrison, Belcoo, Glangevlin, Ballyconnell, Belturbet, Clones, Monaghan, Armagh and home.
I reckon it was a mere 230 miles give or take, but good company, great roads, weather and craic made it all worthwhile.
Big thanks to all who attended, and if you missed it, maybe see you next time?
| 19.08.2018 |
27°C in the Scottish Highlands? SERIOUSLY?!
From club folklore, it was 8 years since we last had a totally dry weekend in Scotland, and wow, were we seriously blessed with great weather.
Three days of wall to wall sunshine (well, exept for Inverness where it seemed to be cold and overcast).
Leaving on Sunday morning, the temperature climbed from 9°C to 18°C within the space of 3 miles, once we climbed out of Inverness. Wonderful!
Some pics from the trip from the collective phones, thanks all for sharing.
| 29.05.2018 |
Calendar of Events...
CoE Updates
Here are some Calendar updates for your information.
1) Our Church Run this month of September is to Bangor Methodist and not as originally proposed as Sydenham Methodist. (Changed by popular request).
2) Our 2017 Eire Club Trip has been cancelled (but there is always 2018!).
3) There has been no great Club interest in the November NEC trip ... so far.
Thanks to all who turned out for Friday's meeting which was the season's last evening run, we were blessed with good dry (but sometimes closed) roads. It was a good route and thanks to Derek for leading.
| 03.09.2017 |
Church Run to Derry/Londonderry
To the hardy souls who braved Angie Phillips' weather forecast and proved her wrong - I salute you! Despite a few drops here and there, we made it safe and dry to the City Mission in Derry/Londonderry today.
To our hosts who welcomed us warmly, we thank you for your kind hospitality on our arrival as well - coffee and biscuits will always go a long way!
| 11.06.2017 |
Calendar of Events...
First notes of 2017
Happy New Year to All!!
Just a brief note as a reminder that our New Year Breakfast is scheduled for this coming Saturday (7th Jan) at 9.00am.
The Premier Inn Lisburn has been booked, look forward to seeing you there!
I have up-dated our "Coming Up" Sidebar for reference but note that the dates shown after our Annual Meeting are subject to agreement at the meeting -- so they may change.
| 05.01.2017 |
Proposed Trip Date Revision!!
Thanks to all members who attented our Church Run to Wicklow and agreeing to time change.
Now for another proposed change and this pertains to our Eire Trip and it's as follows:-
Would all proposing to attend this trip prefer to move the dates back from weekend to mid-week to avail of the more economic hotel rates?
The dates could be changed from 9th-11th Sept to 7th-9th Sept.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
| 01.07.2016 |
Event Time Change!!
Please note that the meeting time for our next Church Run (i.e. this coming Sunday 12/6/16) has been brought forward by 30 mins to 7.15am. This has been modified to allow a bit more time for our coffee break prior to the service.
Hope this is agreeable to all and look forward to a good outing on Sunday.
C U there!
| 07.06.2016 |
Calendar of Events...
This has been updated for 2016 - if you want to print a copy for convenience, there is a link to a PDF version at the top of the page - Click here for details. See y'all soon!
| 24.02.2016 |
Calendar Updates
Just a few lines re some updates to our Calendar of Events (I have also shown these on the 'Coming Up' side Panel); they are :-
1) The timing and transport method for our visit to Transport Museum have changed i.e meet at Trinity at 10.00am and we will travel by car. Admission to Museum is �9 while Irish Stew & Crusty Bread is �5.25.
2) The 2016 Annual Meeting has been moved back two weeks until 19th February 2016 - same venue, same time.
| 12.11.2015 |
September Note
Pleased to report that all travellers have returned safely from this month's adventures i.e. Euro'15 and Eire'15 and we give thanks to our Lord for these safe and enjoyable trips.
Did anyone notice that the Club got a mention in the latest Methodist Newsletter with reference to our visit to Limavady Methodist?
| 19.09.2015 |
Limavady Church Run
A few pics from last Sunday's church run - thank you Bill! Have a look in the usual place here.
| 24.07.2015 |
WW1 Battlefields Tour
Glad to see that all and sundry arrived home from France, and from the photos, they seem to have had decent weather and covered a lot of ground! Thanks to John and Bill for sharing, unfortunately I'm not able to put them all into any real order (apologies!) but have a look through them for yourselves in the gallery here.
| 07.07.2015 |
An Invite to a Bikers Event
Hi All,
Just a brief note to remind all that we have been invited to Richhill Road Hogs Men's Night in the Presbyterian Church.
The event is scheduled for the evening of Wednesday 17th June (this coming Wednesday) and the start time is 8.00pm.
There will be various machinery in the Church Car Park, food will be provided and John Kirkpatrick (Chaplain of the NW200) will give a gospel presentation.
So if you are free just go along and enjoy the evening.
(Unfortunately because of Trip commitments I won't be able to attend this time).
| 11.06.2015 |
Temporary Change of Coffee Morning Venue
Hi All,
Just a brief note to say that for tomorrow only (i.e. 9th April) the venue for coffee will be either Portstewart or Portrush and not Daltons, Lisburn.
Plan is to meet (on bikes of course) at Trinity for 10.00am and all members plus those not yet members are all welcome!
So if you are on vacation (or retired) why not come along and enjoy the good weather while biking.
Sorry for the short notice!
| 08.04.2015 |
Calendar of Events 2015
2015 Calendar of Events is now posted - please take a look here: here. Keep 'er lit :�)
| 12.02.2015 |
Calendar Revisions
Hi All,
After consultation with members (at our last two outings) it has been agreed to drop our proposed December outing to the Transport Museum from this year's events and to move our New Year Breakfast Meeting in Pimento from January 3rd to January 17th.
Would all members make these revisions to their copies of the CoE and oblige by mentioning these changes to other club members.
| 11.10.2014 |
Photo Updates
Thanks to all photographers! Some photos from the last 2 Church Runs here. Keep 'em coming :�)
| 26.08.2014 |
September Eire Trip
Hi All,
After discussion (at coffee morning meetings) it has been suggested this year's Eire Trip be a 3-Day event rather than the 5-Day as shown on CoE
The plan would be to stay two nights at a hotel in Galway City and use this as our base for the tour.
The revised dates are now :- depart Wednesday 3rd (no change from original) and return on Friday 5th.
Members interested in this trip please let me know asap and I will endeavour to get Hotel pre-booked.
P.S. -- Three members confirmed to-date for 2015 WW1 trip! (see note below).
| 18.08.2014 |
Forward Planning
Hi All,
Just a "heads up" re a possible trip next year visiting some of the WW1 Battlefields in Northern France and Belgium.
The initial thinking is to head over to France via one of the ferry routes from down south; travelling around the last fortnight in June next year . The trip duration would be about seven days (3 overnights in France and 2 in Belgium, leaving the other 2 nights for ferry crossings -- dates could be for example from 18th to 24th).
This may not be considered as a "normal" Club Trip because the biking miles would be a lot less than those covered on our trips to date.
The ferry costs are estimated as 254 euro per person i.e. a two berth cabin each way and the initial hotel costs estimated at 60 euro per night per person sharing a twin room.
Plans are not firmed-up yet and hence nothing booked, (everything is still at the discussion stage) so if any member would be interested in a trip such as this, give me a call.
Brilliant turnout on Friday past -- looking forward to our next meet! God Bless!
| 05.08.2014 |
NW200, 17 May 2014
And whaddya know, we had some rain this yearat the North West...deja vu again!
Leaving at 7.25am with just Murray, Christine, John and Kenny, the ride up was pretty much dry until we got to Kilrea, but it was a light shower and it wasn't long until we rode through it to the dry roads again. Roads were closing at 9.30am this year, I think they were trying to get the racing started before the predicted rain came in. Breakfast was tiptop as usual at Portstewart Presbyterian, it's always nice when they recognise you coming back for another year.
Racing was also really good this year despite the 2 hours of rain, but they were handing out free ponchos left over from the Giro D'Italia last weekend, the grandstand was pretty much bedecked in pink. Who cares though when you're dry! Even Ernie and Darren got in on the pink act 2 rows behind us ;�) Roads dried for a terrific second Superbike race of the day, with a worthy winner in Michael Dunlop on - who'd have thought it - a BMW of all bikes...
Good run home too, traffic seemed lighter than previous years, but once we got to Castleroe, roads were pretty much empty all the way home. Great day out - thanks Mervyn et al.
On a more serious note, don't forget a quiet prayer for Si Andrews and Franck Petricola tonight - praying both will make a full recovery.
| 18.05.2014 |
St Patrick's Day Run, 18 March 2014
So following Murray's cryptic theme, we followed the route northwest towards Buncrana, to the Inishowen Peninsula and the area known as 'Amazing Grace Country'.
In this area in 1748, John Newton, author of 'Amazing Grace', was shipwrecked during a severe storm. Newton awoke in the middle of the night and finally called out to God as the ship filled with water. After he called out, the cargo came out and stopped up the hole, and the ship was able to drift to safety. It was this experience which he later marked as the beginnings of his conversion to Christianity.
The Amazing Grace viewpoint took a little finding, and to be truthful, not all of us actually found it, but credit to those who did!
Some photos from the day in the gallery here
| 24.03.2014 |
Saint Patrick Day Run
Hi All,
Our theme for the Run this year is John Newton's Amazing Grace.
Thanks to Richard for his route for last Wednesday's run - salient points are:-
Sticky Brake pads (very sticky)
Great Fry
Superb roads
Sperrins - dry and sunny - what a result!
All Welcome for our run on Monday 17th!
| 15.03.2014 |
Happy New Year Everyone!
And so 2014 is upon us. And January is almost wrapped up too, so that means the days are getting longer and in theory the weather is getting better, right?
Well, time to get the bike serviced, map out, and have some thoughts on the year ahead.
Next, bring them along to the AGM in Trinity on Friday 7th February, 2014 at 7.30pm
and see where these will take you this year! Everyone is welcome, newcomers or oldtimers, if past years are anything to go by, there'll be more than enough tea, coffee & chocolate biscuits to fill your top box...hope to see you there.
| 24.01.2014 |
Run to Tullamore
What a cracking day's weather we had for this! Meeting up at Trinity for 7am, weather was warm, dry and sunny. Roads were empty too until near Clones where we got the first coffee/leg stretch of the morning. Superb roads made all the better for the weather. We got to Tullamore around 11am, so found some 'golden arches' for another coffee and ultimately an early lunch.
Very friendly folk in Tullamore Methodist Church made us feel very welcome indeed, it's a small world really when it turned they knew people in Lisburn that we knew.
Heading home cross country, we more lovely roads to traverse, but Ireland had woken up by this stage on a sleepy Sunday morning, so quite a bit of traffic around. Picking up the M1 northbound at Ardee, we stopped for petrol and quick break at the Applegreen services at Castlebellingham before the final run home. Final mileage for the day I got to be roughly 270 miles.
I've quoted Psalm 19 (The Message) before but does no harm to call it out again!
God's glory is on tour in the skies, God-craft on exhibit across the horizon.
Stonking day! Gallery photos as usual are here.
| 23.06.2013 |
What's been happening?
So I thought Wales was bad, still drying kit out now from the NW200...
I harvested a few photos from the cameras that were present - thanks John and Bill - here as promised.
| 24.05.2013 |
What's been happening?
Hi everyone, Still drying kit out from the ride home from Wales - good time had by all, but when the hailstones bounce off your tank and still hit you inside your helmet, that's when the weather gets irritating!
Still gathering a few photos from the trip and will fire them up when I get them together from everyone, but in the meantime, there's a few few photos from the Cookstown 100 and Tandragree 100 road races here to whet your appetite for the NW200 this weekend!
| 14.05.2013 |
Memory Lane
Wanted to include a snapshot of all the Church runs that the club has done since inception. Click on the image for a closer look:
Blue numbers are previous runs, red ones are planned runs for 2013 - very respectable I think you'll agree!
Also to add that the calendar of events has now been posted for 2013. Check the menu on the left and see you all soon...
| 18.02.2013 |
Seasons Greetings!
To wish you all a very happy and blessed Christmas & New Year!
And also to note that if you are interested in NW200 tickets for 18th May 2013, they are now on sale - full details on their website
Hope to see you all at the breakfast soon?
| 19.12.2012 |
Run to Birr, Co. Offaly
I made out to be 304.5 miles round trip today, give or take a few yards... Can't remember when I last did a run like that, but fantastic weather, and some terrific roads I'd never been on before.
Anyway, thanks to all in Birr for their warm welcome - some photos are in the usual place here.
| 10.06.2012 |
Calendar of Events updated
The Calendar of Events is now posted, so please do take a look - if you want to print a copy for convenience, there is a link to a PDF version at the top of the page.
First event up is on March 3rd (Saturday), so time to get your leathers and thermals out of mothballs - hope to see you there!
| 18.02.2012 |
Something to keep you reading..
And then there were three....
So what's left to say about the NW200?
Nearly Wet yet?
No Way (we're going back)?
Never Worry, its only a shower..?
We did manage to get up there dry, easist run ever and totally no traffic in Coleraine even at 8.50am - the weather seriously seemed to put a lot of people off going. Breakfast was good as ever, unlimited tea and toast, but then the rain came on. Grandstand seats were great again, but sadly the rest of the racing was history for 2011. First John headed home early. Then Ernie and Darren. Then Murray and Christine. Which left the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Kenny, Steve and Bobby, but I'll let you decide who is who :-)
For posterity and the grandkids, there are some photos in the gallery here.
| 25.05.2011 |
St Patrick's Day Run
Tradition was well and truly broken today - Enniskillen wasn't even mentioned this morning, and Dunnes probably closed early when they figured we weren't coming..! As it happened we'd a mostly dry but cool jaunt, taking in 2 European countries, 1 international ferry, and just over 200 miles by my reckoning.
The morning started at Trinity in bright sunshine, with 9 merry men and woman; this included two brave new faces, Craig and Andrew, who gotta take the "men of the match" award for doing this run in jeans - respect guys, hope you thawed out ok! Ed McDade was on the scene at the time and kindly & prayerfully sent us on our way.
Through Randalstown, Kilrea, slurry and cold winds, we got as far as Aghadowey before the rain started to come down - mind you we could see the black cloud from quite a bit off, but it's the sort of thing you know you've no option but to ride through. Coming into Coleraine, we juked into McDonalds for a coffee and to dodge the showers - very timely too since by the time we got out, the sun was out again. On to Castlerock, quick detour by the promenade, then on to Downhill and Magilligan, where the ferry was just docking as we arrived. Passport Control must have been on their lunchbreak, cos we were straight down onto the Foyle Rambler. �5 single - not too bad really.
Ten minutes saw us across Lough Foyle and into Donegal. We'd planned stopping at Moville for lunch, but the St Patrick's Day parade was just about to get into action, so we continued on towards Muff, stopping for facilities, petrol and coffee - probably in that order - while the Parade band went by. Quite a bit of traffic on the roads, we skirted Londonderry/Derry , taking the road to Letterkenny, Lifford and Strabane. I'd forgotten how nice these roads were - great tarmac, wide roads and dry to boot.
Through Omagh and down to the Ballygawley roundabout, the new M1 dual carriageway extension was open, which I hadn't been on before. Jury's out though - is it always necessarily a good thing to go in a straight line between 2 points? I decided not. The old road (while not great) was infinitely better. Gripe over.
So, all in all, a super day. Some photos at the link below, but you know how it is - photos only ever happen when someone has a cup of coffee in their hand, so they always look the same, and not so much of the pretty stuff, but here you go - have a look anyway here :^)
| 17.03.2011 |